This tutorial is not up to date. It describes an older version of generjee.



1. Introduction - generjee concepts - What is generjee? How does it work?
2. Let's create a Car Repair Shop application
3. Generate
4. Running the generated code on a server

3 Generate

Now it is recommended to save the entered values. Just click the Export button, copy the JSON string, and paste it into a file on a local drive. You can re-import the values later if it is necessary to make some changes to the model.

Before starting the generator, please click on the Validate button. The message should say that there are no errors in the model. So we are on target.

Now is the exciting moment you’ve been waiting for. Click the generate button and confirm the disclaimer. After that, there will be a dialog box, which just informs you that the generation is in process, and the code will be started as a ZIP download, when completed. Confirm this dialog box and wait until your browser begins the download. Then open the downloaded ZIP file, and unpack it to a location on your local disk. Congratulations! You successfully generated your first code with generjee.

3.1 About the code

There are some very important points about the generated code. Currently, generjee is only a working model, so the code quality is in prototype status. At this point, it is not yet created for real productive purposes!


The generated code is for the purpose of demonstrating the functionality of the code generator, generjee, only. The code does not meet the requirements for a stable and safe operation. When used for any purpose other than demonstration, it is the user’s responsibility to update the code, at their own expense and with their own liability risks. The code must be updated according to its prior state to be secure against system failures, performance problems, data loss, data breaches, data theft, data manipulation, violation of the law, and causing personal injury or damage.


The generated program code is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the provider of the code generator generjee be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Preconfigured "usermanager" credentials:

The preconfigured credentials “usermanager – password” are available to the public. Of course, we can’t use this credential as is, if we are going to utilize the generated application for some real use . So we have two options:

1. Create another Admin account and then delete the “usermanager” credentials.

2. Change the username and password of “usermanager” in the generated file src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/shiro.ini.

Please see the generated install.txt for more detailed instructions.

Next chapter: Running the generated code on a server