This tutorial is not up to date. It describes an older version of generjee.



1. Introduction - generjee concepts - What is generjee? How does it work?
2. Let's create a Car Repair Shop application
3. Generate
4. Running the generated code on a server

1. Introduction - generjee concepts - What is generjee? How does it work?

generjee is an online tool to create an application model from which you can generate the code of a complete Java EE application.

The application model is based on the things you want to manage with the generated program, e.g. products, customers, projects, or whatever the purpose of the application would be. We call these things "entities". Entities are mapped 1:1 to database tables.

Every entity has a number of properties. For example, the properties of a car may be manufacturer, model, color, and number of seats. These properties, we call "fields". Fields are mapped 1:1 to database columns.

Most applications need more than one entity to manage. For example, a shop system has products, customers, and orders. But these entities are dependent on each other; for example, every order is created by a customer, and every order contains one or more products. These dependencies between the entities are referred to as "references". References can have different types in generjee: 1:n, n:1 and n:m. (There will be more options like 1:1, and containments in future, but they are not currently in the preview.)

Also, generjee lets us define different user roles for the application, and to assign specific permissions for the entities and these roles. There are two roles predefined for every project:

Next chapter: Let's create a Car Repair Shop application